Ode To Beijing

City of a hundred million lights
A daily explosion of culture, growth, and people
Spilling onto the streets and alleyways
Amongst the bicycles, pedicabs, peddlers, and pedestrians
Vendors, fruit stands, shopkeepers, and hawkers of all kinds.
Around the globe people come
Willing to explore the wild, rough, and unready.
Modernity in Beijing has surely asserted itself
Capitalism and industry have come to the fore
As it turns out, free markets are a gift
And machinery is the machinery for change
How can you argue with the ending of poverty
Just don’t worship the money and the glitz
Stay rooted in your deep Chinese roots
You have lived a long time, and you know this.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10/24/2009

    I can't agree with you more, about staying with the deep roots . I hope China will grow but, always reaching deep into the riches of the past for spiritual nourishment.
